Mrs. McDonald
You have reached the web page for Megan McDonald.
Edgartown School Physical Education Department

Welcome to The Edgartown School’s Physical Education Department
Any questions please contact me at:
Dear Students and Family Members,
I am so excited to get this school year underway! For those who do not know me, I was formerly a first grade teacher. This is an exciting change for me and I can’t wait to get all the kiddos moving! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the upcoming year.
Megan McDonald (email me with any questions)
Supplies for Physical Education: sneakers, hair ties, clothing they can move in.
Please dress for success. Children should wear sneakers (support kind – nothing trendy as high heeled sneakers are dangerous!) and clothing they can move in. Girls should tie their hair back and out of the way. We run, jump, dance and climb – to name just a few but the kids are really disappointed if they cannot participate due to lack of preparation!! Junior high students are given time to change if they need to. Being prepared is key to success, leave a pair of sneakers in your locker! Alternative assignments are used when needed.

Guidelines for Success in Physical Education:
Classes meet 2x a week. Our department dedicates itself to offering appropriate educational experiences and activities. The experiences are designed to enhance moral, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth in the students. Activities utilized in class are created to help students acquire self-esteem & self-discipline, encourage honesty & differences, and develop skills for personal fitness, recreational games and physical/health and well-being.
Why Children need Physical Education
Physical education is an integral part of the total education of every child in kindergarten through Grade 12. Quality physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for a lifetime. Physical education programs can only provide these benefits if they are well-planned and well implemented.
Improved Physical Fitness
Improves children’s muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.
Skill Development
Develops motor skills which allow for safe, successful and satisfying participation in physical
Regular, Healthful Physical Activity
Provides a wide-range of developmentally appropriate activities for all children.
Support of other Subject Areas
Reinforces knowledge learned across the curriculum. Serves as a lab for application of
content in science, math and social studies.
Self Discipline
Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness.
Improved Judgment
Quality physical education can influence moral development. Students have the opportunity
to assume leadership, cooperate with others; question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own behavior.
Stress Reduction
Physical activity becomes an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety, and facilitates
emotional stability and resilience.
Strengthened Peer Relationships
Physical education can be a major force in helping children socialize with others successfully
and provides opportunities to learn positive people skills. Especially during late childhood and adolescence, being able to participate in dances, games and sports is an important part of
peer culture.
Improved Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
Physical education instills a stronger sense of self-worth in children based on their mastery
of skills and concepts in physical activity. They can become more confident, assertive,
dependent and self-controlled.
Experience Setting Goals
Gives children the opportunity to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.
Copyright ©2011

Proper Attire for Class
- All students have been reminded that they must wear sneakers and socks during physical education class. This rule is for his/her own safety as well as the safety of other students. No high heels (including wedges), clogs, boots or sandals, will be permitted and the students will be asked to sit out of the fun activities for the day.
If Your Child Cannot Participate…
- All students will participate in activities scheduled unless a written reason is given. If illness or injury persists, please have a doctor write a note explaining restrictions your child has, as well as the duration of the injury or illness. We take our curriculum seriously and will use alternative assignments to help students stay current with the content if needed. Assignments could include reporting on a specific topic or current event that is researched in the library, shared with the class and posted on the information board. This happens specifically when a student is unprepared for a number of times and begins to hinder their progress.
Your student’s progress will be monitored on how they perform in these five categories: 1. Demonstrates fundamental skills 2. Demonstrates sportsmanship and respect for others 3. Actively Participates 4. Demonstrates responsible behavior, cooperates, and follows directions 5. Physical Education tests
Early Bird Special
The gym is open every morning from 7:30am till the start of school. Come shoot some hoop or walk the gym to get in shape or just wake up. Get your brain primed for an awesome day of learning!!
Massachusetts State PE Standards and National PE Standards
By the end of grade 5 :Through the study of Motor Skill Development students will: 2.1 Apply movement concept including directionality, balance, level (high, low) pathway (straight, curve zigzag), range (expansive, narrow), and force (rigid,, soft) to extend versatility and improve physical performance. 2.2 Use a variety of manipulative, locomotor skills (walking, running, skipping, hopping etc..) and non locomotor skills (twisting, bending, extending etc.) for individual performance and group performances. 2.3 Perform rhythm routines, including jump roping and dance skills to demonstrate fundamental movement skills. Through the study of Fitness students will: 2.4 Identify physical and psychological changes that result from participation in a variety of physical activities. 2.5 Explain the benefits of physical fitness to good health and an increased active lifestyle. 2.6 Identify the major behaviors that contribute to wellness (exercise, nutrition, hygiene,rest, and recreation, refraining from using tobacco, alcohol and other substances). Through the study of Personal and Social Competency students will: 2.7 Demonstrate responsible personal and social conduct used in physical activity and dynamic environments. By the end of grade 8:Through the study of Motor Skills Development students will: 2.8 Use combinations of manipulative, locomotor and non-locomotor skills to develop movement sequences and patterns, both individually and with others. 2.9 Demonstrate developmentally appropriate basic manipulative and advance specialized physical skills, including throwing and catching different objects with both accuracy and force, hand and foot dribbling, and accurate striking proficiency. 2.10 Perform a rhythm routine that combines traveling, rolling, balancing and weight transfer into smooth flowing sequences with intentional changes in direction, speed and flow. Through the study of Fitness students will: 2.11 Apply basic principles of training and appropriate guidelines of exercise to improve immediate and long-term physical fitness. 2.12 Participate in activities that promote physical fitness, decrease sedentary lifestyle, and relieve mental emotional tension and stress. 2.13 Explain the personal benefits of making positive decisions and monitor progress towards personal wellness. Through the study of Personal and Social Competency students will: 2.14 Apply advanced movement concepts and beginning game strategies to guide and improve individual and team performance. 2.15 Demonstrate strategies for inclusion of all students in physical activity settings. 2.16 Describe the purpose and benefits of sports, games and dance in modern society.
National Standards for K-12 Physical Education
The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthfulphysicalactivity.
To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual*:
- Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.
- Knows the implications and the benefits of involvement in various types of physical activities.
- Participates regularly in physical activity.
- Is physically fit.
- Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.
Standard 1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movementand performance.
Standard 3. The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
September 2017
Yoga for Back to School Bedtime: 5 Tips for Getting Your Children to Sleep
Back to school time is an exciting time for kids and parents, but along with that comes the stressors of a new routine for the household, especially when it comes to bedtime.A relaxing yoga routine before your child’s bedtime could be the answer to the “bedtime blues,” providing the perfect sleep solution by helping your child shift from having a busy, distracted mind to focusing their attention and calming the nervous system through gentle movement, relaxation techniques and breath work. An additional benefit of practicing yoga with your child is creating space in the day for special one-on-one bonding time with you, which will help you both relax!
According to the Sleep Foundation, the average preschooler age 3-5 years needs 10 to 13 hours of sleep, school age children ages 6-13 need 9 to 11 hours, and teens in high school need a minimum of 8 to 10 hours per night. But studies and anecdotal evidence confirm that MOST children aren’t getting nearly that much. As parents, caregivers and educators well know, when children are sleep deprived, they are likely to have a hard time managing their emotions and behavior. This can lead to potential challenges at home and at school, and can be exhausting for anyone who cares for them.
In his book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Marc Weissbluth, MD, states, “Sleep problems not only disrupt a child’s nights — they disrupt his days, too, by making him less mentally alert, more inattentive, unable to concentrate, and easily distracted. They also make him more physically impulsive, hyperactive, or lazy.”
One major cause of childhood (and adult!) sleep issues involves participation in an overabundance of stimulating activities at, or just before bedtime. It is best to have no computers, no video games, no music, and no TV, for a minimum of hour prior to bed, ideally two hours. TV viewing at bedtime has been linked to poor sleep. And, one study found that children who kept electronic devices in the bedroom were more likely to be obese, in addition to suffering poor sleep. So, keep the technology out of the bedroom and make sure the noise level remains low so your child can easily fall asleep and stay asleep.
Sally Delisle, RCYT and Director of ChildlLight Yoga Teacher Trainings says, “Practicing yoga, or mindful movement, and focusing on the breath, triggers the parasympathetic system which tells brain and body it’s time to unwind.”
Delisle recommends the following 6 tips to begin a bedtime yoga routine:
1) Create a calm environment.
Begin by dimming the lights and keep the space free of light-up and noisy toys so that there are fewer distractions. Try creating and using some ‘magic mist,’ a mini spritzer bottle with a few drops of relaxing lavender essential oil mixed with water. Let your child mist the room with the relaxing scent to prepare for your yoga time. Finally, playing soft, soothing music particularly piano or guitar instrumentals, can help children relax their minds and bodies. Try the Soothing Relaxation channel on YouTube.
2) Use props.
Using yoga or heavy blankets provides weight and pressure which is grounding for anyone, especially children whose proprioceptive systems are still developing. Bolsters and even battery tea light candles can also be beneficial to include in your child’s bedtime wind down. Ask your child what helps him relax. Maybe he’d like his furry stuffie, or a picture of his favorite place within view of his yoga space.
3) Read a special book together.
Reading any book together can help you and your child relax and bond while also promoting literacy. You might also integrate gentle movement by following along with a bedtime-themed children’s yoga book like Yawning Yoga, by Laurie Jordan, or Good Night Yoga, by Miriam Gates.
4) Practice bedtime yoga poses.
Begin with a Child’s Pose, then a few rounds of Happy Cat / Scared Cat, then back to Child’s Pose. Continue with a Butterfly Pose to relax hips (feel free to sing the song), then Sitting Twist. End with Balloon Breath while in Legs Up over the side of the bed.
5) Include relaxation.
Use soft calm voice while you practice the yoga activities together and allow for silence while you rest together at the end of your yoga sequence. Make relaxation enjoyable and engaging. If you know your child enjoys having her back or feet massaged, do that. Let him choose the music. Try Back-to-Back Breathing or Back Writing as a peaceful, bonding activity with your child.
Having a bedtime yoga routine will not only make for a more restful night’s sleep, but will go a long way toward helping your child have a more peaceful, productive day at school and home. Best wishes and sleep tight!
All activities, songs and materials can be found scripted and illustrated in Yoga for Children: 200+ Yoga Poses, Breathing Exercises and Meditations for Healthier, Happier, More Resilient Children, by Lisa Flynn, founder and CEO of ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms. Copyright protected photos used with permission.
Ann Biese, RYT 500, E-RYT 200, is an international Yoga Instructor and Teacher Trainer for ChildLight Yoga. Ann enjoys volunteering as an instructor for Go Give Yoga in Haiti as well as in Boston area homeless shelters. She was featured in North Shore Magazine for her work in Massachusetts…(continue reading here).
Join Ann at the National Kids Yoga Conference in her teen yoga class as well as her upcoming ChildLight Yoga & Mindfulness for Tweens & Teens Teacher Training in Hartford, CT November 18-19, 2017.
This article was edited by Lisa Flynn, founder and CEO of ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms.