Ms. Gail Gardner

ggardner (at)

Grades 3 through 8 will take the MCAS Exams starting in April. This month, we are finishing up the MCAS Tutorial that teaches the students all the different tools on the test. The layout and tools are a little different this year, so this practice with the tools is definitely important and helps them feel comfortable, knowing what to expect as they go into the exsms.

As always, all grades continue to practice their typing skills, which will help them on their exams. We are also working on some of the vocabulary that kids will see on the MCAS and other tests throughout the year, just to familiarize them with it. It’s also a great way for them to practice their typing. It’s a Win-Win! Please encourage your students to practice their typing skills. It will help them immensely on the tests, on their assignments, and in their future lives.

Students in 4th through 8th grades have been learning how to make slide presentations in PowerPoint, while 2nd grade has done the same in Keynote.

1st Graders have finished their All About Me documents, complete with a picture of themselves on them. We will get them printed and sent home pretty soon. They’re super cute.

Kindergarten through Second Grades are switching gears and learning basic computer coding, using Kodable. This is a fun program that helps kids learn about algorithms and using specific instructions to move a fuzzball through different mazes. They love it.

Below are links to webpages that we use in the classroom. If you would like to reach out to me, please email me at ggardner(at) Or you can reach out by phone at 508-627-3316 extension 229.